Full Circle
Closure is nice. I confronted a problem that my training had not
prepared me for, but by gently probing at the details I discovered a
coherent theory that explained the phenomenon.
Police officers in Dallas were indeed equally likely to be involved in
shootings because management allowed them considerable flexibility in
policing the entire city, instead of only their assigned beats. By
allowing, and even encouraging police discretion to stop and engage
citizens, the time necessary to respond to the scene of a crime was
degraded - considerably.
So, an examination of the nitty-gritty details of policing explained the
phenomena I was assigned to investigate. The assignment taught me to
listen to the people I worked with. Veteran police officers taught
me that shootings were an aberration. Most of my police friends have never
drawn their weapon from their holster - and their experience appears
typical. The sergeant who drew my attention to the "war between the
poh-liis and the humans" was also right. The police had adopted a
no-win strategy in trying to clear the streets of "suspicious"
I was very satisfied with my research effort. We published a number of
articles on police performance and police behavior. I was less than
satisfied, however, with the reception to my work.