![[Under Construction]](../../images/undercon.gif)
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The Dynamics of Change
From the brief discussion above, it is clear that the
recruiter can have considerable effect on his performance.
He works, however, within a mission context.
And, his mission context requires him to pace his work so that he meets
the steady demands of his mission. His
perception may well be that if he works too fast, he will squander his pool of
leads and prospects and be unable to make mission in the last months of the
So, the recruiter learns to balance his work with the
current mission requirements. He
prospects enough to maintain a pool of prospects, spends as much time as
necessary to sell each prospect, and prepares them for enlistment
processing as the situation demands. When
it is late in the mission month and he is behind, he will sell faster and better
prepare his applicants for processing. When
it is early in the mission month, or he is ahead, he can afford to send even
mildly interested prospects to the enlistment station, and can take the luxury
of working with these mildly interested prospects for as long as he or she
Suppose, that a recruiter has worked himself into a
comfortable pattern. He has
balanced his activities so he can achieve mission steadily.
But, 4 months into the year (say at day 74 in our graphs) his mission is
increased by 25%. Now, instead of needing 13 contracts by the end of the year,
he is required to have 16. Regardless
of how easily he was making mission during the first 74 days, the new
requirement necessitates re-balancing the system.
The recruiter must alter his behavior to achieve a new system balance
that will result in more contracts.
The problem of re-balancing the system is precisely that
illustrated by the shower analogy. (There
is a complex system behind the shower wall, and there are relatively few
controls available with which to balance the system.)
Worse, there is a great deal of delay between the time the recruiter
makes an adjustment to his performance, and the time that this behavior results
in a contract. Recall, that such
delay typically results in aggressive adjustments (like with the faucet) and
likely result in a pattern of dampening oscillations in the performance measure.
Assume, that when the mission is increased, the
conscienctious recruiter does everything in his power to respond to the new demands.
As discussed above, we identified two factors under his control which
will affect his mission. The first is
the average number of days spent selling a prospect.
The second is the average number of days necessary for enlistment
processing. By improving his sales
technique and more carefully preparing an applicant for processing, a motivated
recruiter can affect his performance. But
consider how long it will take a system such as described to respond to a
recruiter's efforts.
The figure above summarizes what happens to the
recruiting system when the recruiter is notified on day 74 of an increased
mission. Line 1 of presents the
baseline of contract performance as established by the basic model.
Assume that the motivated recruiter expends maximum effort to work harder
and faster. He decreases the
average sales time from 2 days to 1. Simultaneously,
he prepares applicants more thoroughly for processing, reducing the average
processing time from 10 days to 5. Line
2, above, illustrates the effects of the recruiter's improved performance.
Despite the dramatic effects on factors with known
influence on performance, there is a considerable lag time before performance
begins to improve. In fact, it
takes 62 days or (3.4 months of 18.4 working days per month) before Line 2
consistently outperforms Line 1. Thus, it
appears to take almost 3 1/2 months for General Wheeler to "turn the
force" by issuing revised mission orders.
